India initiated the largest number of fresh anti-dumping investigations and final measures while there has been a sharp drop worldwide in the number of new probes during January and June 2007, a WTO report has said.
Among the 150 WTO members, India tops the chart of applications of final anti-dumping measures with 16 cases, which is exactly the double of eight new measures it reported during the corresponding period in 2006, the WTO said. Even in the case of new initiations of investigations, India reported with the maximum number of 13, followed by New Zealand (6), South Korea (5) and Brazil, China and Japan (4 each).
However, the total number of new initiations declined for all these countries. China is far below India in terms of imposing final measures with five cases. In the developed world, EU reported six such cases and the US three. “Products exported from China remained the most frequent subject of new measures accounting for 22 of the 57 new measures reported for the first half of 2007 compared with 15 new measures on products from
China during the corresponding period of 2006,” the report said.
Anti-dumping measures are resorted to by a nation when it finds that an exporting country is dumping its goods at a price which is much less than a fair price and could be injurious to the domestic industry. India, Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand each were subjected to three new measures during the first half of 2007. Sector-wise, products in the chemicals sector are the most frequent subject of fresh measures accounting for 12 of the 57.
– Bangalore Bureau