Geek IT Stores is all set to launch Wi-Fi enabled laptops in India. Scheduled for this November in conjunction with the launch of the M8 mobile phone dubbed as the I-Phone Killer, the laptop will be available with pre-loaded software. Interestingly, the laptop will be available at an introductory price of just Rs 12,000.
“We want the Indian middle class customer to choose our laptop over a home PC”, stated Amit Nayak, CEO Geek IT Stores, India operations. The laptop will be distributed through Geek franchisee stores in class C cities of India and Bangladesh.
This strategy of the Taiwan-based company to offer entry level laptops in the Middle East and South East Asian market is motivated by the success story of Europe and Latin America. According to IDC, a global market intelligence firm, the notebook shipments, including low-cost PCs, are expected to hit 145 million units this year, up 34.5 per cent from last year as consumer demand remains strong in Europe and Latin America despite a slowdown in the US market.