Aditya Birla Retail, part of Aditya Birla Group, is planning to open around 12 large format hypermarket stores in the country in next 12 months. The company is also on track with Rs 90 billion investment plan for over the five-year period, which was announced in 2007, informed a top company official.
Speaking to reporters on an event in Mumbai, Thomas Varghese, CEO, Aditya Birla Retail, said, “We have not scaled down our investment plans but our expansion could get delayed by a few months. We plan to open 12 more hypermarkets during financial year 2010 in various parts of the country.”
Currently, the company runs 670 supermarkets and 2 hypermarkets across the country. However, he said that the company does not have plan to enter into any other format.
— IndiaRetailing Bureau