Odyssey India Ltd, which is 100 per cent subsidiary of Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, today opened its sixth store in Bangalore. The store, spread over an area of 840 square feet, stocks over 5,000 books under various categories.
T S Ashwin, MD, Odyssey India Ltd., in an exclusive interview tells IndiaRetailing that the total investment in opening such store is around Rs.25-30 lakhs. He further informs that Odyssey’s immediate next store will be opened in Chennai within few days.
This is the 49th store of Odyssey. The retailer opened its last store (48th) in Eon Tech Park, Pune. The other brands under Odyssey India Ltd are The Eyewear Store & Editions. Last month, Odyssey launched its first ‘Editions’ store in in Ampa Sky Walk Mall, Chennai. ‘Editions’ is a destination for luxury writing instruments and is the latest venture of Odyssey.
— IndiaRetailing Bureau