Hypermarket chain HyperCity has announced the launch of its first outlet in Madhya Pradesh. Located at DB City in Bhopal, the hypermarket is spread over an area of 60,000 sq.ft. It offers a wide range of products across various categories such as food, grocery, apparel, electronics, home appliances, toys and furniture, among others.
Mark Ashman, CEO, HyperCity, said, “HyperCity is excited to make its foray into Bhopal. We are committed to fulfilling the aspirations of the local people by providing them a world-class shopping experience. HyperCity customers will enjoy the convenience of shopping for over 40,000 products that offer great value under one roof.”
Apart from the new outlet in Bhopal, HyperCity operates seven stores across major cities – Mumbai, Amritsar, Jaipur, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
– IndiaRetailing Bureau