Women`s watch brand, Titan Raga, announced the launch of Raga Aqua, an exquisite range of watches inspired by the vast and mysterious secrets of the ocean. Bollywood actor Chitrangada Singh, along with Ajoy Chawla, Vice President, Titan Watches, unveiled the collection in Mumbai. This range of exclusive watches is a perfect blend of modernity and tradition, designed to capture the poise and grandeur of today’s woman.
Every watch from the Raga Aqua collection is inspired by the fascinating world of water, full of mystical patterns and hues, and promises elegance, femininity and sensuality. The designs are inspired by mermaids, conch shells and oysters. With nine exquisite styles and over 30 options to choose from, the collection is embellished with Swarovski crystals, mother-of-pearl dials, rose-gold hues and gleaming steel finishes, making it a perfect accessory to adorn or gift during this Diwali. The collection has been designed by Titan Design Studio.
Ajoy Chawla, Vice President, Titan Watches averred, “Raga Aqua is the latest addition to Titan’s range. The popularity of Titan Raga has grown year after year. This season we are pleased to present a new collection to our consumers. The new Raga Aqua watches will definitely add a touch of glamour and is a perfect fit for the upcoming festive season.”
“I am fascinated with the way a theme as evocative as Aqua has resulted in such unique and beautiful designs. I feel the beautiful styling of these watches is a perfect accompaniment to complete your festive look and it is an immense pleasure for me to launch the new Titan Raga Aqua collection” commented Chitrangada Singh.
The watches are priced between Rs. 1,500-9,000 and are available at all World of Titan showrooms, leading multi-brand outlets and department stores across the country.