Aiming at strengthening its presence in the South India market, premium footwear brand Catwalk Worldwide has recently opened a store at Express Avenue Mall, Chennai. The 500 sq.ft outlet offers a range of stylish shoes in the Rs.795-3,495 price bracket, a company release said.
The company said it was looking at metros, satellite cities, tier I and II towns, as well as international destinations, to increase its presence.
By FY 2014-15, the company plans to set up 190 new standalone stores, with an estimated investment of approximately Rs.550 mn, taking its retail space to over 1,25,000 sq.ft. Catwalk will resort to internal accruals, franchising tie-ups and bank funding for its capital requirements.
The brand currently has 24 standalone outlets and 144 shop-in-shops.
– IndiaRetailing Bureau