Biba, an Indian wear brand, has opened its second flagship store in Agra at Ram Raghu Arcade showcasing the Autumn/Winter collection. Spread over 1,200 sq. ft., the new outlet stocks a wide range of kurtis, SKDs (salwar-kameez-dupatta), mix and match kurtas, leggings and a new category – BIBA Girls (for 2- to 12-year olds).
The brand already has a store in TDI mall, Agra for over four years. With the new outlet, Biba now has nine stores in Uttar Pradesh with two stores each in Agra, Ghaziabad, and Lucknow and one each in Noida, Gorakhpur, and Kanpur.
Speaking on the occasion, Siddhartha Bindra, Managing Director, Biba said: ““The brand has been in the region for over four years. After getting a remarkable response from Agra, we are pleased to offer our new store to Biba customers offering variety and closer proximity from the city.”
The new Biba festive range will offer four collections: Urban Carnival, Fusion En’salada, Royal Safari, and Warm Up in Tussar, Chanderis, Matka, and georgette.
Biba currently has over 85 outlets in 40 cities. The brand is also available in large-format stores such as Shopper’s Stop, Lifestyle, Pantaloons and Central. It has also partnered with Indian cinema for movie merchandise.
-IndiaRetailing Bureau