Canon India plans retail expansion by opening 300 ‘Canon Image Square’ stores by 2014. Speaking exclusively with Images Retail at a store launch in Bangalore, Praveen Sahni, Director, Canon India—Retail Division, said: “We plan to spread our retail presence in 150 cities adding around 300 operational stores by 2014 through 100 percent franchise route.”
Though the industry is pacing at a rate less than 20 percent, the company’s year-on-year growth is recorded at 35 percent. Currently, the company has around 50 stores in 32 cities. Canon is planning to open most of its stores in tier II and III cities having a very low penetration. ” Most of our customers travel from these cities to buy products. We want to give them same products and international retail experience in their own towns and cities,” added Sahni.
The company will give live demos within the stores and post services (level 4 service) wherein the Canon products would be serviced even if bought from any part of the world.
Canon is targeting the malls, holding contests and consumer promos according to its core marketing strategy. Canon Image Square’s first store was inaugurated in 2010 in Noida. The company targets opening around 50 stores by the end of this December.
-Avinder Batra