International make-up manufacturer Kryolan has opened a flagship store called Kryolan City in Delhi at Lajpat Nagar II. Spread over 1,500 sq.ft., the store offers more than 12,000 product SKUs in over 600 colours. It also has a training area where high-definition, camouflage, air brush, and special effects make-up will be taught. The outlet also plans to launch a Master Class Programme offering tutorials by international make-up artists and educators on a periodic basis.
Speaking on the occasion, Pradeep Verma, CEO, Kryolan City, Delhi, said: “It is a moment of great pride and privilege for us to launch the Kryolan store in Delhi. The store shall serve as a showcase of the Kryolan brand and its traditional values.”
Founded in 1945, Kryolan is headquartered at Berlin, Germany with a network in over 80 countries. It recently established its subsidiary in Chennai, India.