Consumer electronics and home appliances retailer Viveks has opened its second showroom in Coimbatore at R S Puram. Spread over 4,000 sq.ft., the store stocks IT products, mobile phones, consumer electronics and home appliances such as 3D LED TV, FF refrigerators, air conditioners, LCD, microwave ovens, and washing machines.
Speaking on the occasion, B A Kodandarama Setty, Chairman and Managing Director, Viveks, said: “Through the year, Viveks has been expanding and strengthening its footprint across Tamil Nadu and Bangalore as part of the growth plans. Trust and customer care are our core values and we would like to bring such an experience through our expansion in the city of Coimbatore.”
The store will offer inaugural discounts and offers till September 9th. Vivek Limited also has two Jainsons showrooms in the city.
Vivek Limited owns two retail brands – Viveks and Jainsons. Currently, the group’s turnover is Rs 450 crore. Viveks is primarily present in two states, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka with 48 showrooms.