E-commerce marketplace eBay India has announced the first phase launch of the ‘9 Hour Delivery’ service for its Mumbai consumers. Product categories across mobiles, laptops, digital cameras and tablets will fall under the new service. The customers will receive the ordered products before 9pm if purchased before 12 noon on the same day. Purchases made post 12 noon will be delivered the next day.
Vidmay Naini, Business Head – Technology, PaisaPay & PowerShip, eBay India, said: “The ‘9 Hour Delivery’ concept gives consumers a faster and improved shopping experience. This is the first phase of the service, which is available to our Mumbai customers on popular technology product categories and will be scaled to key cities in India in a span of few months. The service is a good option for convenience oriented savvy shoppers who are in a hurry to get their hands on their favourite gadgets.”
According to the company officials, there will be no additional shipping charges or fee for the service.