UVA Mart is a diversified company with a business portfolio having cinema exhibition, Food and Beverage, retailing of FMCG and jewelry, and having its head quarter In M.G. Road,Guragaon(Haryana). Its genesis is from the initials of the founders of this chain. Another thought that has reinforced the name UVA is the connotation towards the youth as in hindi “yuva” means “youth”. UVA is positioned as a youth centered store that apart from catering to the adolescents and teenagers will also have products and services for the middle aged and young parents as these are the customers for a lot of youth end users i.e. their children and relatives.
As on 31.03.2012, UVA-MART has revenue of 204,254.50 (in lacs) contributed by 1211 full time employee all of them are from India and the company is not in export business and is not having any collaboration with respect to its business.
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