US retail giant Walmart plans to open two more outlets in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and Ludhiana, Punjab, though it has not disclosed the launch dates.”We recently received all internal approvals for opening two new cash-and-carry stores in India one in Vizag in Andhra Pradesh and second one in Ludhiana, our second store in the city in Punjab,” Walmart India President and CEO Krish Iyer said in a statement.
The upcoming store in Visakhapatnam will be the fourth Best Price Modern Wholesale store in Andhra Pradesh and Ludhiana will be Walmart India’s sixth store in Punjab.Best Price stores in Andhra Pradesh are based in Guntur, Rajahmundry and Vijaywada , while in Punjab, Best Prices are in Amritsar, Bhatinda, Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Zirakpur.”In addition to our existing footprint of 20 cash-and-carry stores, we are on schedule to open the 21st store in Agra shortly this year as we remain steadfast on our plan to open 50 more cash-and-carry stores in the next four to five years,” Iyer said.
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