The Minister of Commerce & Industry, Anand Sharma, recently announced that Bharti Wal-Mart is set to open 40 stores in India. In an interview with IndiaRetailing, Arti Singh, vice president – corporate affairs, Bharti Wal-Mart informed, “Bharti Wal-Mart is expected to open 10 to 15 wholesale cash-and-carry facilities and employ approximately 5,000 people in the next three years.”
“In the next couple of years, the focus will largely be on Punjab and then we will focus on Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh,” added Singh.
“As we’ve studied the Indian market, we are impressed by how much we have learned from the existing system. It’s a system that works, quite often against the odds,” commented Singh on Bharti Walmart’s learnings in the Indian market.
Bharti Wal-Mart’s chief S Robson met the Indian PM and commerce minister last week to discuss the FDI policy for multi-brand retailing in India.
—Bhavya Misra