With the approaching holiday season Online purchasing appears to be the popular way for consumers to avoid the crowds or shop early this holiday.
The National Retail Association, the most popular shipping promotions will be free shipping with conditions, which will be offered by nearly 79% of major retailers.
“Conditions” means that consumers must purchase an item tied to the promotion and reach a threshold of spending, usually at $100.
Consumers also will be able to find free shipping upgrades, discounted shipping and, in many cases, free shipping without promotions reports marketwatch.
“Free-shipping offers drive online sales more than any other promotion, which is why they remain popular with retailers,” said Scott Silverman, executive director of Shop.org.
Beyond free shipping, retailers will turn to other marketing tricks to step up sales such as online-only sales. Other favorites for retailers are early-shopper discounts, repeat-buyer discounts and “refer-a-friend” promotions