Post the launch of its store in Delhi, DIAGEMS (Shri Ram Hari Ram Jewellers) has announced to invest rs 40 crore on its extensive retail expansion plan. The company is planning to open two showrooms this year in the cities of Mumbai and Kolkata. The retailer is eying the high streets of these cosmopolitan cities for its outlets.
Talking about the retail strategy, Vinay Gupta, Owner, Shrihari DIAGEMS, said, “ We are aiming to enter in retail market in aggressive way and are aiming to have more such showroom in the country as well as abroad.”
The Shrihari DIAGEMS lineage is impressive, with two centuries old roots, in easily one of the world’s most artistic commercial hubs namely Dariba Kalan, in Chandni Chowk. In erstwhile times, specifically beginning in 1789, the family took care of the renowned Mughal jewellery repertoire, that established itself as legendary. In time, several contemporary well known brands in jewellery and silver who trained under the Shri Ram Hari Ram Jewellers expertise, found individual wings and have emerged as prominent artistic entrepreneurs.
The client profile spans international celebrities, leading Bollywood divas, the country’s decision makers and also humbler stars. Shrihari DIAGEMS provides quality assurance services to help customers, trading partners and importers to assess quality assurance services, that result in improved product quality. The pricing structure is set competitively.
– Purnima Mehra