The standalone Marks & Spencer Lingerie & Beauty store was launched at the Infiniti 2 Mall. Spread over 4,583 sq ft, the store is dedicated to the cosmetic and lingerie category for the urban women of the country. They have different category of products that range from Bath and Skin Care – Body Lotion, Body Butter, Bath Oil , Shower Gel ,Hand Wash , Day Crème , Night Creme, Age defense , Age repair , Hand & nail crème , temple balm, Body Powder ( Ragdale Hall Collection, La Maison De Senteur, Global Escape Range, Sun Factor, Pure Range, Nature Extracts, Floral Singles; colour cosmetics and fragrances. The price range starts from Rs199 and goes up to Rs1,999 approximately for skincare, beauty and fragrances.
The new store features an inviting and inspiring store design, with a neutral colour palette and flattering lighting to complement the stylish lingerie and beauty collections. Feminine finishing touches add glamour to the store and overall customer shopping experience, including fresh flowers, wooden hangers, bespoke paper bags and luxurious tissue wrapping.