Mumbai-based Online home improvement retailer has taken over Crude Area, an art-based startup, marking its second strategic acquisition. In May, the company had purchased Homado, a marketplace for interior designers and architects.
Crude Area has 120 artists from across the world on its network from whom the company licenses artwork and transfers prints onto wall art. It has about 1,000 artworks, an addressable community of 8,000 buyers and sells 500 orders a month on average. Crude Area products will be sold on BedBathMore as a private label.
“Affordable wall art is a huge market it is a subtle and a more economical way of refining your space,” Amit Dalmia, founder and managing director of Bed-BathMore, was quoted as saying.
BedBathMore is widening its offerings to include social and discovery-based commerce such as content, community engagement and ideas.
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