India Retailing, spoke to two leading retailers from down south – Veenish Kumar Uppot, Managing Director of Venus Group of Concerns, which operates the...
Kehkashan Merchant Vagh, Director of Flaunt Salon and Spa recently launched her new salon in Bangalore. She talks about her childhood passion and what it...
Neo Foods is part of the $150 million Jalan Group, which has diverse businesses: tea plantations, textile machineries, software services, engineering as well as processed vegetables...
"Knowledge needs to be imparted,"stressed B Venkatramana, President - Group HR, Landmark Group at the South India Retail Summit on December 10 at the...
Retailers in India have invested and have made technology an integral part of their operations, speakers at the Technology Session noted at the South...
Focussed on defining appropriate and market-specific growth strategies, the South India Retail Summit brought together a panel discussing challenges and factors that...