IndiaRetailing brings you a series on India’s key retail tech icons. Featuring Anurag Saxena, Head IT, Biba Apparels Pvt. Ltd. this week
New Delhi: Today’s CIO must know how to leverage technology to create value for the business. No longer...
Global loyalty marketing agency ICLP (a Collinson Group Company) has revealed research showing where different retail sectors are performing most strongly in building loyalty with their customers. While online retailers including Amazon and Flipkart were shown to be performing best...
Digital marketing has become very important in the marketing mix to reach a larger customer base more cost effectively. Social media, online marketing and other marketing tools are mostly focused on millennials and tend to overlook an affluent customer...
Technology is revolutionizing the way shoppers select their merchandise in a store. Be it smart fitting rooms which give suggestions based on customer’s preferences or be it iPads in store that allow customers to find a particular product or...