Indian footwear brand Mochi has opened its second store in Surat at Rahulraj Mall, Dumas Road. Spread over 1,243 sq.ft., the new outlet will stock over 10,000 pairs of ladies’ and men’s shoes in different styles by various brands.
Indian footwear brand Mochi has opened its first store in Mohali at SCF-132, Phase 7. Spread over 1,296 sq.ft., the new outlet stocks over 8,000 pairs of ladies’ and men’s shoes in different styles by various brands.Speaking on the...
Mochi, an Indian footwear brand, has opened its first store at Sardar Patel Marg, Allahabad. Spread over 1,709 sq. ft., the outlet will stock more than 8,000 pairs of ladies’ and men’s shoes in different styles by various brands.Speaking...
Mochi, an Indian footwear brand, has opened its first store at RP Mall, Mavoor Road, Calicut. Spread over 831 sq.ft., the new outlet stocks over 8,000 pairs of ladies’ and men’s shoes in different styles by various brands.Speaking on...
Mochi, an Indian footwear brand, has opened its store at RK Mall, Raipur. Spread over 1, 220 sq.ft., the new outlet stocks more than 6,000 pairs of ladies’ and men’s shoes in different styles by various brands.Speaking on the...
Metro Shoes, chain of lifestyle footwear in India, launches its online shopping portal to offer its customers a fun shopping experience. “At Metro Shoes, it’s been our culture to explore new markets to reach out to our customer in...