Refuting claims that genetically-modified (GM) crops are hazardous or would be monopolised by multinational companies, scientists say the "controversial crops" are perfectly fine as well as a need of the hour.
"I support science and there had been all the...
A section of beekeepers, farmers and activists marched in protest here against GM Mustard being considered for commercial cultivation in India.
GM mustard, if it does not face any public resistance, could become India's first GM food crop released for...
Refuting the claims of anti-Genitically Modified (GM) crops lobby here, several experts assured the bio-safety of the crop, adding that many are busy with fear-mongering while GM crops are being used across the world.
The reaction came as several activists...
Noted molecular biologist Pushpa M Bhargava on Saturday said the commercial cultivation of Genetically Modified (GM) mustard would be "disastrous" as it would eventually open the doors for multinational corporations to control India's agriculture.
"It's a disaster. If you permit...