Spice Group's mobile retailing arm HotSpot will spend Rs 200 crore this fiscal on acquisitions and expansion of its operations across the country, a company official said."We are looking at 1,200 stores by the end of this fiscal with...
For an acquisition to spree its retail space country wide, BK Modi- promoted telecom, mobile phone manufacturers Spice Corp Pvt Ltd bought 100 per cent stake of the Dubai-based mobile retail chain's Indian arm Cellucom. Allied with its flagship...
HotSpot, part of Spice Televentures, that retails mobile handsets and accessories of multiple brands, plans to open around 150 outlets by the end of this month to carry the total to 600-650, up from its current 475 stores mark.
Boingo Wireless, the global market leader in Wi-Fi, announces the addition of Tata Communications hotspots to the Boingo Roaming Network, giving Boingo members access to over 500 new hotspots under the Tata Indicom brand, said a company press release.
As part of the company’s aggressive expansion plan, BK Modi Group promoted Spice Televentures has announced to open 300 more stores of its mobile retail chain HotSpot. Scheduled to be completed by the end of this year, the expansion...