"As a child I used to ogle my mother’s scarves. Today, I have trouble pulling myself away from an Hermès collection in a store window." This small story of a young girl tells the heritage of Hermès and its...
Winston Lee and Shiao Bin Chen of Keratin Secrets have bought into the country Microspa, a revolutionary product for hair and scalp-related problems. A combination of Micro- Camera and a band new technology in Nanomist along with other wide...
Omega, the Swiss watch company, unveiled its latest collection - New Constellation – at a fashion soiree held at Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai. Brand ambassadors Abhishek Bachchan and Sonali Bendre Behl took centre stage to launch the sleek and...
Is it hypnosis, magic, another skin fad or simply a very successful scientific breakthrough? Select customers in Mumbai are trying to figure it out. This piece of technology has been termed a ‘wrinkle iron’, and ‘an ipod of the...