E-commerce giant Amazon India on Friday said it has tied-up with FICCI-Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) to promote business-to-consumer (B2C) exports in the country and enable Indian exporters to sell globally.
The company said it will conduct...
The huge potential of e-commerce towards retail exports from India will only be feasible through modifications in the current Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) policy under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, a recent study said here on...
An eminent panel of industry representatives debated over the possibilities in the food industry as far as product development and packaging are concerned. Moderating the discussion, Pattabhai Rama Rao, president, Australian Foods India, pointed out at the very outset...
Rexam HTW, a joint venture between Rexam Plc, UK and Hindustan Tin Works, India’s only 2 piece can manufacturer today unveiled India’s first ever 500 ml can for beverage packaging.
Unveiling the can, Kalyan Ganguly, president, United Breweries said, “I...